Find out which House of the Dragon character aligns perfectly with your zodiac sign!

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ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19): Daemon Targaryen

When it comes to one of the most intense and powerful characters in “HOTD,” there’s none other than the mighty Daemon Targaryen! He is the perfect embodiment of an Aries due to his fiery personality, incredible ambition and courageous attitude. Not only is he a fan-favorite character to watch, but he has a sexy side to him, eager to live life in alignment with his true passions. As Aries are ruled by Mars, the planet of sex and war, this clearly aligns with Daemon’s arc.


TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 20): Alicent Hightower

Regal, poised and traditional, Alicent Hightower aligns with Taurus. Not only does she take a more conservative approach to life–much like this Earth sign–but she is strong, stubborn and mighty when it comes to her ideals and beliefs. Alicent also wears green–a color that aligns with Taurus. Alicent, despite being an antagonist in the series, ultimately wishes to uphold her loyalty to her family, children and husband.


GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20): Larys Strong

As a character who always has a a scheme up his sleeve, Larys Strong is unafraid to pull the strings when it comes to getting what he wants. This dual personality aligns with Gemini, who are symbolized by the Twins. Larys is also immensely intelligent and calculating, able to outwit everyone around him as he weaves people’s fates.


CANCER (JUNE 21 – JULY 22): Viserys I Targaryen

Of all the characters in “HOTD,” Viserys has a deeply sensitive heart and is loyal to his family–both of them, being the Targaryens and the Hightowers. He is extremely focused on tradition–although is willing to change things up when he names Rhaenyra his heir. He is compassionate, forgiving and loving–always eager to defend his family at all costs. Also, his desire to see them all united as one house is an overwhelming motivation.


LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22): Aemond Targaryen

Fiery, arrogant and ambitious, Aemond Targaryen embodies the zodiac sign, Leo. While he starts the series as a boy without a dragon, he is willing to stop at nothing to get one. That’s why when he seizes his chance to steal a dragon of his own, he is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to win–even his eye! This innate strength easily mirrors the soul of a Leo.


VIRGO (AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22): Ser Criston Cole

Deeply loyal and focused on his beliefs, Ser Criston Cole embodies the zodiac sign, Virgo. He can be extremely hypercritical and a perfectionist, and like this Earth sign, has a tough time moving on when he’s been scorned. Always living a life of service, this also aligns him with this zodiac sign, who thrives on helping others.


LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 22): Lucerys “Luke” Velaryon

As the second oldest of Princess Rhaenyra’s children, Luke is a charming, refined boy. He takes his role as a royal seriously and seeks to follow in the footsteps of his mother and brother. Just like the zodiac sign Libra, who is ruled by Venus, he prefers peace and harmony over chaos or conflict.


SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 21): Otto Hightower

As the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower is one of the most strategic characters in “HOTD.” He is calculating and cunning, just like the zodiac sign, Scorpio. He is also unafraid to lurk in the shadows and keep his actions private. This gives him great power as he maneuvers for the throne.



Aegon Targaryen cannot be caged–just like a Sagittarius! He’s bold, impulsive and lives to follow his desires regardless if they align with his status in life. He is also unafraid to speak his mind and ruffle people’s feathers, regardless if others wish to hear it or not. All of these traits also exist within Sagittarius.


CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19): Jacaerys “Jace” Velayon

As Princess Rhaenyra’s first-born son, Jace is the heir to the Iron Throne after his mother passes it onto him. Jace is a refined, sturdy young man and seeks to honor tradition. These traits mirror a Capricorn, who is ambitious but also willing to put in the work to get where they seek to go.


AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18): Princess Rhaenyra

As a true visionary, Princess Rhaenyra is ultimately very eccentric. She seeks to live life in pure alignment with her ideas, beliefs and vision. Also, she has a progressive perspective on life–open to different kinds of relationships, sexual liberation and female empowerment. She is also eager to speak up for herself and her family–a trait this Air sign contains.


PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20): Princess Rhaenys

Sensitive, intuitive and deeply compassionate, Princess Rhaenys has found tragedy and bad luck follow her throughout her life. However, each time this occurs, she’s found a way to emerge stronger and more resilient. These traits are embodied by the zodiac sign, Pisces, who is always willing to persevere.


Special thanks to Paul Florez-Taylor from Power of X-MEN and Luke James for collaborating with me on this article!

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